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History of Primatology in India
Phyllis Jay Dolhinow 
​conducted a field study at two different habitats of langurs between October 1958 and April 1960 at Orcha, Madhya Pradesh and Kaukori, Uttar Pradesh.
Charles H. Southwick
​conducted his studies on the Rhesus Macaque populations from 1959 to 60 in Uttar Pradesh and in 1962 in West Bengal.
Yukimaru Sugiyama
​conducted studies on Hanuman Langurs and Bonnet Macaques from April 1961 to April 1963 in Dharwad, Karnataka.
Paul E. Simonds
​conducted studies on Bonnet Macaques between October 1961 and June 1962 on the Mysore-Ooty road near Bandipur, Karnataka.
Sheo Dan Singh
​carried out experimental work on Rhesus Macaques at Punjab University, Chandigarh, and from 1971, he continued laboratory experiments on these macaques at Meerut University and also in their natural habitats in Siwalik Hills, Himachal Pradesh.
Time line.JPG
Illustration of the developments in Indian primatology with solid grey lines depicting initiation of field research by seminal primatologists pre-1980 and establishment of independent research groups focussed on primatology post-1990. Dotted red lines mark organization of crucial meetings, symposia and conferences and dotted red arrows trace the period of international collaborative projects. Colour designs of dots (that mark individual year on the timeline) are identical when they belong to the same decade.
(Singh et al. 2020,
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